Following approval by Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe Borough and Nottingham City Councils, the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership consulted on the Preferred Approach for the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan between the 4 January 2023 and 14 February 2023.
The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan will comprise Part 1 of each authority’s Local Plan, replacing their Aligned Core Strategies. The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan will contain strategic policies identifying the amount and distribution of development and infrastructure. Following adoption of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan each individual authority will commence reviews of Part 2 of their Local Plans. Reviewed Part 2 Local Plans will identify non-strategic sites and detailed policies that deliver the strategic policies in the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan.
The Preferred Approach consultation focused on the strategic distribution of housing and employment provision and identifies strategic sites that are vital to the delivery of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan.
Although consultation ended on the 14 February 2023 the Preferred Approach, supporting information and evidence can still be viewed below.
Next Steps
All comments received during consultation on the Preferred Approach will be considered by the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership authorities prior to the final consultation on the publication draft plan in 2024. The publication draft will then be submitted for examination, with all comments received, to the Government later in 2024.
Preferred Approach Summary
This covers the key issues within the Preferred Approach, including the amount and distribution of housing and employment development across the plan area and the location of strategically important sites.
Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Preferred Approach is the main document. It can also be viewed and downloaded below.
Key Documents
The Preferred Approach is supported by a number of key background papers and evidence documents. These key documents are below.
Further documents supporting the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan can be found within the Plan's evidence base.
Background Documents - The following documents deal with strategic matters, providing background evidence that supports the Preferred Approach.
Site Selection - The following documents set out how each local authority has assessed and selected housing, mixed use and employment sites.
Sustainability Appraisal – Legislation requires that the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal. This considers the economic, environmental and social aspects of the emerging plan including an assessment of the reasonable sites and policies.
Note there is no Appendix A (Reviews of Plans, Policies and Programmes) and Appendix B (Baseline Data) as these will be updated at the final Publication Draft stage. |
Green Belt Review - This review builds on previous Green Belt Reviews that supported the development of current Local Plans. Should Green Belt releases be required, an assessment of Green Belt land would inform the selection of sites.
Green Belt Review - Methodology (including Appendix A and B) |
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will accompany the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan. It will identify the infrastructure required to deliver and support the development identified in the plan.
The Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is required within national legislation. The HRA determines whether the plan will have any adverse effects on internationally protected nature conservation sites.
The documents below comprise summaries of the comments band representations received during consultation on the Growth Options and responses to these comments by the plan making authorities.
Local Authority Contact Details
If you would like to discuss the content of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan: Preferred Approach or future consultation on the publication draft, please contact your respective Local Authority. Their contact details are below.
- Broxtowe Borough Council: 0115 917 3452; Email:
- Gedling Borough Council: 0115 901 3733 or 0115 901 3734; Email:
- Nottingham City Council: 0115 876 4594; Email:
- Rushcliffe Borough Council: 0115 981 9911; Email:
- General Enquiries: 0115 876 4594; Email:;