During January and February 2023, the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership consulted on the Preferred Approach to the distribution of housing and employment within the emerging Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan.

Following this consultation and a call for logistics sites in 2022, the Partnership consulted on the Strategic Distribution and Logistics: Preferred Approach between the 26th September and 7th November 2023.

The Strategic Distribution and Logistics Preferred Approach was the main document. It was supported by a Sustainability Appraisal Report and Background Paper. Additional evidence, including employment land and logistics studies, can also be found within the evidence base.

Although consultation ended on the 7th November 2023 the Strategic Distribution: Preferred Approach, supporting information and evidence can still be viewed below.

Next Steps

All comments received during this consultation will be considered alongside comments submitted during the previous Preferred Approach consultation by the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership authorities prior to the final consultation on the publication draft plan in 2024. The publication draft will then be submitted for examination, with all comments received, to the Government later in 2024.

Strategic Distribution and Logistics Preferred Approach is the main document. It can be viewed and downloaded below.

Please click the image below to view the document.

cover image for strategic plan doc

The consultation document was amended on the 3 October 2023 to specify that "up to 180,000 sq. metres" of logistics development is identified within the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station Site. This is to match the wording approved by the Local Planning Authorities and is consistent with the consultation portal version.

The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan will comprise Part 1 of each authority’s Local Plan, replacing their Aligned Core Strategies. The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan will contain strategic policies identifying the amount and distribution of development and infrastructure. Following adoption of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan each individual authority will commence reviews of Part 2 of their Local Plans. Reviewed Part 2 Local Plans will identify non-strategic sites and detailed policies that deliver the strategic policies in the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan.

Key Documents

The Preferred Approach is supported by a Strategic Distribution and Logistics Background Paper and Sustainability Appraisal of the preferred sites and reasonable alternatives. These key documents are below.

Further documents supporting the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan, including employment and logistics studies can be found within the Strategic Plan's evidence base.

Sustainability Appraisal – Legislation requires that the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal.  This considers the economic, environmental and social aspects of the emerging plan including an assessment of the reasonable sites and policies. 

Please click the image below to view the document.

Cover Image to Sustainability Appraisal report


The appraisal of the preferred strategic distribution and logistics sites (including reasonable alternatives) should be read alongside the sustainability report that supported the previous Preferred Approach consultation. This can be found within the evidence base and within the Preferred Approach consultation. 

The following document deals with strategic matters, providing background evidence that supports the Preferred Approach. 

Please click the image below to view the document.

Background Documents cover


Local Authority Contact Details

If you would like to discuss the content of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan: Strategic Distribution and Logistics Preferred Approach or future consultation on the publication draft, please contact your respective Local Authority.  Their contact details are below.